Be the Change Youth Training Program
June 24-25, 2019| Washington, DC

Week In Review

Overlooked: A Youth’s Guide to Being LGBTQ+ Friendly
Nate Batiste, Fathima Lye, Andre Armour, Baila Salifou, Adrian Garcia, and Emma Bittar
Being LGBTQ is more than a notion and far from taboo. This workshop, led by the School-Based Health Alliance’s Youth Advisory Council (YAC), outlined youth perspectives on LGBTQ friendliness and acceptance in SBHCs; shared skills-building tools to create pathways of meaningful inclusion for individuals, for family and friends; and discussed how adolescents and adults can work together to develop programming that improves student health outcomes.

Engaging Youth in SBHC Evaluation: Data, Perspective, and Insights
Carlos Romero
SBHCs benefit when they engage youth. The same is true for evaluating SBHCs. This hands-on workshop started with a basic understanding of evaluation and feature skill-building activities around collecting, analyzing, and reporting data from logic models, to databases, to data visualization and presentation. In this session, youth generated ideas for applying their new knowledge and skills to advocate for improved evaluation in their own SBHC and school settings.

'A Day in the Life’ Health Care Simulation
Nate Batiste, Fathia Lye, and Nicole Carrillo
What is life without a school-based health center (SBHC)? Presenters educated youth about the components of the current health service systems available to people nationwide. Through role-play and interaction, young people better understood the value and benefits of SBHCs, as well as learn language they can use to advocate for peers to obtain the health services they need in a non-SBHC setting.