Be the Change Youth Training Program
June 19-21, 2017| Long Beach, California

Week In Review

‘A Day In the Life’ Health Care Simulation
Cameron Estrada, Nathaniel Batiste, Nicole Carrillo, Fathima Lye, Komal Oza, and Gianna Forlizzi
This activity educated youth and other SBHC advocates about the components of the current health service systems available to people nationwide. Through role play and interaction, youth better understood the importance and benefits of SBHCs, as well as obtain language to advocate for peers to obtain the health services they need.

Design Thinking for Better Health
Anna Casalme
Participants were given a crash course in “design thinking,” also known as human-centered design. Taught at universities and companies all over the world, design thinking is an empathetic, iterative and fast-paced approach to solving problems. The objective of this interactive workshop was to empower youth participants to tap into their creativity, collaborate and design their own programs, products, campaigns and other solutions in order to improve their health and the health of their peers.

Cameron Estrada, Nathaniel Batiste, and Nicole Carrillo
This workshop by the School-Based Health Alliance’s Youth Advisory Council (YAC) provided youth perspectives on social determinants of health (SDOH) that influence relationships, skills-building tools for identifying unhealthy characteristics and creating healthy patterns, and how both adolescents and adults can work together to develop and implement programming to effectively improve student health outcomes.

Leading the Path to Wellness Through Youth Advisory Boards
Los Angeles Trust for Children, Jeanne Aguinaldo, Christian Beauvoir, and Leticia Jenkins
Youth have the ability to become empowered advocates for change. This panel discussion highlighted the work of youth advisory boards of school-based wellness centers within the Los Angeles Unified School District. Student engagement is a critical key component to the success of the Wellness Centers and improving student health. Adult allies and youth panelists shared strategies for developing youth advisory boards and empowering youth to lead health campaigns and youth advocacy work.

Watching from the Sidelines: A Video Supported Forum Theatre for Bystanders
Balboa Teen Health Center, Marcia Zorrilla, Annie Guan, and Marlene Martinez
Would you know what to do? Conflicts. Uncertainty. Remorse. Self-doubt. Regret. Vulnerability. Life...Learn more about how the YAB explored what it means to be a bystander, watching from the sidelines. Using Forum Theatre and a video created by the YAB as a tool, the audience as “spec-actors” got to think, empathize, and try out different possibilities facing our characters “Brenda” and “Noah.”

Inclusive Youth Lead SBHC Advocacy and Resource Development Efforts
Carol Norris and Kelsey Norris
This session aimed to empower youth to return to their communities and lead successful SBHC advocacy outreach/promotion efforts. Attendees learned how to identify and engage other students that have historically not been included in advocacy efforts, such as students with disabilities. In addition, participants learned how to identify and communicate with potential new community partners.

Mapping Your Community and The Social Determinants of Health
Molly Baldridge
Many of our health issues are caused by social determinants, where you're born, grow up, live, and work can determine how healthy you are. In this workshop, participants used interactive activities to map our communities, brainstorm what health issues are happening in our neighborhoods, and better understand the root causes of a variety of health issues.